Wednesday, June 26, 2013

24 weeks: Body Issues

So.. where to start? Alright, so at all my doctors visits until my latest, my weight gain has been "on track". I have read that you can expect to gain up to 5 pounds, or so, in your first trimester, and then about a pound a week after that. Well, my visits are 4 weeks apart, and at my last appointment on June 18, 2013 I had gained about 7 pounds. I know that is not such a big deal, but last night I made the mistake of stepping on the scale, thinking there would not be much change since it has only been a week since my last appointment.. boy was I wrong! There was a big jump, and  there is already a difference between my home scale and the doctors. So, last night I was feeling fat. When I found out I was pregnant I measured my belly and it was 36 inches. Last night I measured and my tummy is 42 inches. I am ok with the inch change, because I know that I am going to get bigger, and I still look relatively small for being more than half way through my pregnancy. But the weight gain.. I know I have to get heavier, but I do not want to gain more weight than needed. My doctor didn't show any concern over my weight gain, but at my next appointment they may. I have decided to start walking, everyday, for at least half and hour, and I am going to do my best to cut out sweets and junk food from my diet. Another reason for my body issues is that today I was looking at my hands, and they look a bit swollen.

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